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fat scale. I am just curious... -- -AB i fat babes wonder how true the survey really is when philadelphia can go from 2 to 23 in a single year -- geoff San Duego is not even ranked among the fittest cities this year. Then the survey is meaningless -- Ken Anyone ever been to Boulder, CO? Come on, they didn't even make the top 25 fat babes last year and not the fat babes top ten this year! Just check out all the hot moms and you will see, Boulder should be number one! -- anonymous Wow, I am from Annapolis, Maryland which is about 20 minutes from baltimore and I don't know how the hell we made #1 for being the fittest. There are a lot of gyms around and lots of activities to be involved in but I am SHOCKED to see us at #1. What is the world coming to if Baltimore is ranked so high?there