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--Cheri -- Cheri Grand evidence Rapids, Michigan, my hometown, is full of a lot of fat asses as well. I am slowly joining their ranks. -- Branden Lane Find it hard to believe the survey does not include one city located in any of the (top three) evidence states listed (on a previous study displayed by AOL) that evidence showed Mississippi, Louisianna, and Alabama as having the highest percentage of "over-weight" adults in the US. -- Garibal I've lived in several cities over my short 24 year life and I currently reside in Austin, Texas. Despite the many temptations of Mexican Restuarants, it is by fer the FITTEST city I've ever lived in. The people are beautiful!!! -- Oshena everyone is so pre-judgemetal on heavy over weight people. Yes their are some that are that way because all they do is eat. But have any of you thought about those that have medical conditions that got them that way.