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Posted by pani113 on March 9, 2004 07:39 PM. Having never visited the US, I can't really comment on how fat-phobic the UK is comparitively. It would seem logical that since we are told that there are more transcripts fat people in the US then by virtue of the effect of transcripts normalisation fat phobia is probably less there. This advert has really riled me though - I agree with comments made above that there should be transcripts a campaign. Posted by jth298 on March 10, 2004 06:03 AM. I'm an American expat, been living in London for a bit over two years now, with occasional trips back to the States, and hopping over to the Continent every couple of months. My impressions: In the US I was not considered particularly "fat" and people rarely remarked one way or the other about my size (I'm 5'2" and was roughly 210 lbs at that time). I never had problems buying clothes and never got any "attitude" from anybody because of my weight.