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What we rarely hear, though, is judith moore that plenty of studies (including the CDC's latest) show they also do better than so-called "normal" weight people. Especially among older people, where extra weight judith moore seems to be particularly benign. I've heard a lot of rationalizations trying to disguise that fact. Many start with the assumption that it *can't* be true that normal weight people are in as much or more danger than fat people. They judith moore begin with that assumption and then twist the numbers or concoct sometimes unrealistic hypotheses why the data doesn't say what they think it should. They end up suggesting absurd possibilities, like - all the very fat people must be dead by 50, and that's why they don't see a result. A likely story - we see no impact of "overweight" on health precisely because it's soooo very deadly. (By the way the authors of this study said that they did break out and analyze the very high and very low BMIs, so a lack of the very fat or very thin can't be the issue here).