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Posted by Dreama on April 26, 2004 11:18 AM. Queen Latifah was mentioned, and just last night I saw an interview with her in the current GLAMOUR, while I was in Target. I normally never buy womens mags (they induce projectile vomiting in me normally, lol), but this one I did buy and I'm glad I did. She said she lost 25 lbs, but she only about face said that AFTER the interviewer asked. And she seemed about face to about face play it down, what she had to say was very very good and I'd recommend the interview to anyone. She is perhaps the only woman of size I can still respect who is in the public eye. Posted by Venus on April 26, 2004 02:09 PM. Hoorah for Aretha, Aida Turturro, and Tyne Daley! I know Aretha and Aida have spoken publicly and with pride about their luscious size. Margaret Cho is another outspoken voice for size acceptance.