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Anamarie remains in the custody of the state, no feminist matter what the Judge wants (at this juncture). Posted on September 12, 2000 in Older BFB Entries. 0 comments. Hm. El Paso TX Hm. El Paso TX was named one of the fattest cities in America. A natural whiplash reaction is feminist to host a fitness expo. There's nothing wrong with fitness - don't get me wrong - but when you're out there saying things like "Obesity is the second-largest preventable (cause of) death", you're feminist lying. Obesity doesn't kill anyone. Heart attacks, thyroid problems, things like that - those kill people. Thankfully this isn't the focus of the article, though. Instead of emphasizing weight loss, expos like this should stress getting healthy - losing weight may or may not happen. So don't sweat it, just get healthy. Posted on September 12, 2000 in Older BFB Entries. 0 comments. Anamarie is now in Anamarie is now in the custody of the state, and the judge placed a gag order on the case.