0 comments. An article pastries biography/autobiography

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0 comments. An article on the An article on the eternal Freshman 15 includes biography/autobiography the usual suggestions, till you hit biography/autobiography the end. It's suggested that hall managers promote programs encouraging less fast-food (which is good) and weight loss, but then also suggests "Healthy at Any Size". Uhm, conflict of interest? Posted on September biography/autobiography 18, 2000 in Older BFB Entries. 0 comments. Remember Roseanne? Sure you Remember Roseanne? Sure you do. She's no longer fat, and she's flaunting that fact. She appears naked in the new issue of Gear, which is provocative. More provocative is her comment on fat people. Roseanne sez that fat people should be thrown into concentration camps and gassed for not doing anything about their weight!
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