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Reasons are unclear, although one suggestion amounts to, "Well, these people are unhealthy anyway, and their bodies probably can't recover from injuries." (cough, cough) In fact, one Richard Kent is convinced that this is - say it with me! - another way that obesity kills. Uhm, Richard? Why aren't the cars made safer for more people? fat bastard Fat people are the majority, man. The article mentions seatbelt issues, but essentially says that layers of fat don't cause the seatbelt system to work properly (equating one's fat to a big winter fat bastard coat.) I fat bastard wonder if a problem arises from faulty or insufficient seatbelts. Elizabeth Fisher has been campaigning for years to get proper seatbelts and seatbelt extenders in cars. Posted on April 01, 2002 in Older BFB Entries. 1 comment. Colophon Big Fat Blog is the web's premier fat acceptance weblog. BFB was created in August, 2000 and has an average monthly readership of 90,000 with nearly 1,500 registered members.