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14 comments. Weight Squawkers A well written and fat joe emotional essay on fat bashers. I have a better idea. Something scarier. I want them all fat joe to spend one day as a fat person. The next time I hear or read anyone telling me that even after my long walks and bicycling I need to "exercise more", I will tell them to shut their pie holes until they will volunteer to do the following: Strap a hundred-pound rubberized feed bag to their fat joe front, loaded with salt, sugar, a huge pile of giblets, sponges, a bunch of rubber tubing and enough water to soak through all of it - thus making it just about exactly what a hundred pounds of belly and butt consist of. Posted on April 27, 2002 in Older BFB Entries. 2 comments. Row the Marathon What happens if you're deemed too fat to run the London Marathon? If you're Colin Wilson, you row the distance instead. Posted on April 19, 2002 in Older BFB Entries.