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This is more Weight-Watchers Tm Sponsored junk science. Posted by Victoria los angeles radio on June 7, 2003 07:59 PM. I'll try this again. About the gum disease article. Morbidity doesn't los angeles radio mean obese. It means the rate at which you get sick. In fairness to los angeles radio the article (which I have not read, but would like to) the distinction seems important. What I take away is that if you are obese (I assume we who read this blog are) have a greater likelihood of greater disease if we are obese AND if we have gum disease. I am ok emotionally with being obese, but I am concerned about my health, especially heart disease since my father died of a heart attack and he was obese. Lemme know if these comments are not appropriate for this site. Sincerely, Michael Posted by Michael on June 9, 2003 02:15 AM. I am sorry about your father's death, Michael, but fatness is not necessarily connected. It is also not necessarily connected with gum disease, since that is more a function, for most people, of a combination of the genetic endowment of your teeth & gums, & good dental hygiene.