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0 fat woman sex comments. Curves in California Cool! A nightclub called Curves has opened in California, and they only allow fat women and people who like fat women. "Nobody's judging you. You can come and relax and blend into the crowd. Everyone is more than willing to let you get on the fat woman sex dance floor and shake your booty," said club fat woman sex regular, Rebecca Derrick. Awesome! Anyone ever been? Posted on April 19, 2002 in Older BFB Entries. 5 comments. Fat Cops Get Stereotyped The Florida Highway Patrol has ruled that fat cops aren't eligible for a $500 performance bonus because, according to the Captain, fat cops aren't healthy. If one can't perform his or her duties due to weight, I can understand the issue - but this seems to just throw another stereotype out there, that fat people aren't healthy in any capacity.
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