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It seems the larger we get the smaller our icons become. Back in the 1950s, the average woman's hip measurement was 34 inches, and dr. atkins likewise the average mannequin came in at precisely 34 inches too. By the 1990s, our hips had swelled to 37 inches, yet the average mannequin had been whittled down to a mere 31 inches. A development which only serves to 'make us feel worse about ourselves', says David Miller dr. atkins of the Stirling Media Research Unit, who charts the dr. atkins rise and rise of eating disorders since the late 1970s. Once upon a time, size 16 Marilyn Monroe was sex on legs; last year Liz Hurley declared to Allure magazine, 'I'd kill myself if I was that fat.' In fact around 50% of women in the UK are a size 16 or over therefore most of us are that 'fat'. So why aren't we bombarding Hurley with angry letters? Could it be because, secretly, we agree with her? Beth Hunter, a counsellor who specialises in eating disorders, believes Hurley's view is quite common in that we tend to associate slenderness with all kinds of positive attributes, from self-control to intelligence, and obesity with overwhelmingly negative ones.