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That's all fat people do, after all. And then he just bill o'reilly trolls: Just so we’re clear: I’m not bashing Kirstie Alley’s weight. I would say that she’s representative of most Americans, but for a 53 year old woman, even heavy, "Divine / Wynonna Judd eyebrows" Alley makes her Midwestern contemporaries look like a bunch of sad, ugly little moo-cows. bill o'reilly Nice! Moo-cows! Moooooo! Look, he's 12! Woo boy, I can trust this guy's incredible objectivity! The bizarre thing comes out when he mentions the bill o'reilly FDA's new 18,493 food pyramids when he says, "[The new pyramid] still doesn't emphasize exercise, which most believe to be an even more important factor in determining human health than diet and amount body fat."