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The weight loss was an unintended side online chat effect of a lifestyle change made for other reasons, and frankly it was frustrating to me because I'd felt I'd found a home in the fat acceptance mvmt, and THAT was when I started losing weight! But I remember being very annoyed at women like Carnie Wilson and men like Richard SImmons, and I swore I'd never ever be like that even if I lost the weight. What annoys me are ppl online chat who think I should now be a online chat fatphobe because I lost weight. Like the woman in the mall who saw me with my "Size Acceptance: accept my sized or I'll kick your ass", and looked at it, puzzled, and said, "But you're not fat!" (sigh) If white ppl can speak out for the rights of African-Americans, why can't average or thin ppl be allowed to speak up for fat/size acceptance?? Why do they always think you must be FAT to be for fat rights??