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if funny there's stuff in it i can't pronounce, i don't buy it. and i've funny definitely upped the intake of veggies. 01.23.06, 10:31 AM — Anon said: I don't do anything. I'm not thin but I'm definitely not fat funny (8/10) and considering all the stuff I eat and little (none) exercise I do I should really be huge. 01.23.06, 10:35 AM — Baltimore said: Why should we do any thing about our Fatness, our Grande, our weightedness ? Its the right and duty of every God fearing American to indulged off the spoils and bounty of the world. Our founding fathers thought and fought hard so we could watch alot of sports and reality t.v, not think about any thing of actual substance and get fat! it demonstrates to the world that God is on our side, which is why we got so much and they got so little. We are the best and the biggest, like Texas, so go head and supersize me right on up to heaven where every body is a big fat american!