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When I went from a 22/24 to a 16/18, I gave away all of my "fat" clothes. A few thousand dollars worth of clothes. I'm to stingy to buy the clothes body fat back, so my only option is to lose more or body fat stay at my current weight. 01.23.06, 09:50 AM — paul said: I shop at Whole Foods. Not because everything in there is non-hydrogenated, non-processed and non-high-sucrose frosted. But because I'm poor and usually walk out with a mushroom, three body fat shrimp and a cup of couscous, twenty bucks lighter. Seriously, I've gained 20 lbs over the winter and lost it by June (nearly) every year for the past 10 years. I use a little thing called 'outside'. Now if I could only get my ass outside during winter... 01.23.06, 10:01 AM — slb said: leah - i'm with you that giving away all your old clothes is the best way to keep the weight off...