Bleh. Posted by michelle pastries biography/autobiography

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Bleh. Posted by michelle on July 16, 2004 11:01 PM. For the most part, it DOES look like a real article. Scary... I also hated that veiled bit at the end about the Dr.'s running and weight loss. biography/autobiography Casey Posted by Casey242 on July 18, 2004 02:53 AM. Is there a way we can email them to let them know that fat people have a sense of humour too, but that alienating said fat people is not going to do their readership biography/autobiography any favours? I saw mailing addresses on their contact page, but no email thing. Maybe I'm blind. This article was just dumb. I read as though it was dreamed up in five seconds and executed in fifteen minutes. Really, guys, we expect better from the Onion. At the very least, smarter. But, guffaw, if I'd just get off my fat duff instead of reading their paper online, maybe I'd lose some of this terrible weight!!!!
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