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If you look at the people who are overweight and obese in the United States, a very significant portion of them are upper and middle-class white women who are constantly dieting and who basically never eat fast food. So the whole notion that we ought to be using the tort system in the United States to make people thinner by punishing fast food makers and so-called big food, like Archer Daniel’s Midland, Altria, Kellogg’s protein power and the protein power like, make no sense. So we have a very complex set of interactions protein power here between the obesity myth as a form of medical public health hysteria and lawyers who are trying to take advantage of this hysteria for their enrichment and, essentially, to transfer large sums of money from the rest of the culture to people bringing class actions suits. I know you have been involved in some public debates about this with people who are attempting some of these lawsuits and are proponents of public health policies aimed at thinning.