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Why is he gonna die?" Two hours later, they're wheeling me out fat guy of the OR, and I am waving fat guy from the gurney. Apparently, I was already cheerful. Here he comes again, the surgeon, and he says, "Well, it looks like he pulled through. But he's gonna die, and it's gonna be your fault." Jill says, "WHAT!?" "He's fat. He's gonna die, and it's your fault that you let him be fat." Jill reportedly says, "Come here, peewee! Let me explain something to you. I'm not a fat guy Catholic. This guilt thing doesn't work. People don't make other people fat. Understand? And where do you get off trying to lay guilt and your fear on the patient's wife? If you can't handle being a surgeon, go into a different specialty, you asshole." I heard about this a couple of weeks later when I was recuperating. I was going to be home a lot and I thought, "Time to write the novel. So it begins with a character in a similar situation who doesn't pull through. And then, a lot of it is flashback all about fat people and society.