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And I said, "They journal died of electrolyte imbalance because you don't give journal them any salt." He said, "Ja, salt makes you retain vater, und you get fat." He was an idiot. He knew nothing about it. Nothing much is known now. It was basically a swindle. How do you view other fat people now? Certainly I have an journal affection for other fat people, because we've all suffered and because they're admirable. I'm driving in my car and I'll see a guy walking down the street, and I'll say, "Damn, what a goodlooking guy! Look at him. Look at him walking along. That's a handsome man." And then I note that he weighs over 300 pounds. When I first caught myself doing this, I thought, "So what does this mean? Do I like the way I look? I guess so." I was talking to Smithsonian magazine. I said, "Let me do a feature, something about fat." They said, "I don't think so. You know, we're not into how you look."