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Don't ever forget that, and don't settle for anything less than you deserve. Go for the Gold! May 6, International No Diet Day 360tvdh (INDD) Mediconsult Obesity Support Group - Provides information and support groups, bulletin boards, and more. Meeting Friends - Just a personal site about me. National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance - NAAFA is a non-profit human rights organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for fat people. NAAFA has been working since 1969 360tvdh to eliminate discrimination based on body size and provide fat people 360tvdh with the tools for self-empowerment through public education, advocacy, and member support. The National Plus USA Woman Pageant and Convention - The Plus USA Woman Pageant and Convention was a weekend of empowerment for plus size females. With 60% of American women size 14 or above, the event broadened the definition of beauty while giving a voice to the majority of women often left out of main-stream fashion and beauty events.