From: Deos Age: 14 fat joe body fat analyzer

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From: Deos Age: 14 Homepage: 04-Jul-99 07:42 PM Wow, your webpage's awesome man. It's pretty kewl to find out people out there still have creative minds and will make a good freakin site. Keep up the great work on this site Seanbaby, it's gonna be big. Also, i'd like to let u know that that scary kid on the others body fat analyzer page is in my head 24/7...i cannot get that image out of my head. What the hell is that pic body fat analyzer from anyway? Later. This picture is courtesy of body fat analyzer Tarzan vs. Predator at the Earth's Core. From: DonkaAge: 15Homepage: http://uradumbphuckinass.com26-Jul-99 08:45 PMHey man. Great site. funniest shit i ever seen. if i had some stupid ass award id give it to you. but i dont. do you care anyway? i didnt think so. all that crap from the eightys really does bring back the memories. the ones i dont want to remember included.
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