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First (that I know of), there was film the insanity with Misha, where she took offense to Misha’s (typical) colorful language in referring to her. Instead of ignoring it, thin-skinned Debbie threatened Misha with legal action. A LAWSUIT, because Misha film called her names. Poor widdle baby. Sorry, but anyone who reads the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler knows that language is part of their schtick. Don’t like harsh language? Well, don’t read the Rott. film (Actually, you probably aren’t reading this, either, if you don’t like salty language.) But Debbie, not bothering to “know her enemy,” felt singled out, the poor little dear. Follow the links in this order: original post, folllow up posts 1 and 2. Debbie Schlussel, if you can’t take the heat, get the hell outta the kitchen. You’re NEVER going to have everyone agree with or like you. Next, there was the insanity with Beth Donovan. Debbie couldn’t even be bothered to answer her polite emailed question about a story; instead, she took it as an attack and replied to Beth’s email with a bunch of insults and ridiculously confused accusations, and threatened to REPORT HER TO THE FBI.