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You can, too! Just buy my book!” Don’t believe us? Suzanne Sommers of Three’s Company and Thighmaster fame just released a diet book. Weight loss drugs, diets and surgeries are hawked sexy fat like fast food, and they’re just about as healthy. And did you ever notice that buried in all the sexy fat fine print of every single one is a statement to the tune of ‘the people who lost weight on this miracle tool exercised regularly’? The Point Is…. Being fat and not exercising isn’t healthy. Being skinny sexy fat and not exercising isn’t healthy. Exercise is good and healthy, as long as you don’t overexercise. Losing weight, whether by surgery or dieting or pills, might kill you. Being fat might save you. Literally. The British Sun reported that 37-year-old Shaun Reaney’s beer gut saved his life when a group of thugs sliced him open with a buzzsaw. His wife Theresa said, “The docs told me if he had [weighed less] the saw would have sliced into his internal organs. When Shaun came round he reminded me that his years of boozing had saved his life.”
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