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Roz Paterson reports AT a time when more and more of us fall into the category of obese, why are we still being sold the notion that unless we are thin we are unworthy? And, perhaps a more worrying aspect, why do we continue to buy into these ideas? Obesity is the Western world's greatest fat babes health fat babes problem. It bleeds into our heart disease and cancer statistics, inflates our depression and suicide rates, fat babes not to mention the accidents, immobility, digestive disorders and plain old misery that it causes. Yet despite the fact that obesity is thought to affect a staggering 25% of us and costs the NHS over half a billion pounds a year, a trawl through the images of our popular culture would suggest quite the opposite. Hell, we seem to be so short of fat people to star in films that Gwyneth Paltrow had to don a fat suit to play her part in Shallow Hal, the cautionary tale of a body fascist who discovers beauty is more than skin deep when he falls in love, gulp, with a fat girl.