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Also, they float. Some people can fluctuate, depending on the season and the amount of food kelly lebrock fat and exercise. Their bodies adapt to whatever is happening in the outside environment. But we live in times of plenty. Our bodies respond to the smells and kelly lebrock fat the sight of food, especially food that provides quick jolts of sugar. It's the same core impulse that makes monkeys go for whatever fruit is in season, gorging on it kelly lebrock fat before it all gets overripe, falls from the tree, and rots. Eat eat eat. It's built into our bodies and it's devilishly hard to control. Feel stress? Some people fast (a good adaptation, because they need to be light and lean to run away), but some people eat (uh-oh, times are hard, better stock up on food while we've still got it). Sometimes one strategy will give an evolutionary advantage, sometimes the other; evolution doesn't care, as long as the species has an improved chance of survival.
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