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careful, madam, editor. be very, very careful. excellent article, though. it made me hungry and fat black booty eager to dash to the fridge. A good post! I'm one of the short fat people, but fortunately I live in an area where there are a lot of others fat black booty just like me. fat black booty I think TV and the magazines play up the skinny look rather than what the size of the majority of the people really are. They ought to get realistic. Anyway beauty is only skin deep and it's what's inside that really counts. Comment on this article    39 articles found     Next Article >> Font Size: Home  |  About  |  Signup  |  Image Hosting  |  Help  |  Login  |  Privacy  |  Site Map © 2006 LLC. All rights reserved     March 8, 2004 Lards And Stripes Fat people made America great, and America makes great people fat Nick Gillespie "We've got so many people who are fat, so many people who are smoking, so many who are not active, and that is really contributing significantly to our health care costs, not only to Medicaid but to the private sector as well."
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