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1983 Nov;66(11):2320-8. Links Fatty infiltration of liver in spontaneously ketotic dairy cows.Grohn Y, Lindberg LA, Bruss ML, steatohepatitis Farver TB.The purpose steatohepatitis of this study was to ascertain 1) fatty infiltration of the liver in spontaneously ketotic cows and 2) the most appropriate blood components to aid diagnosis of ketotic fatty liver. Liver biopsies and blood samples were obtained under steatohepatitis field conditions. Cows were divided into three groups (healthy, mildly ketotic, and severely ketotic) by their blood ketone body concentrations. Severely ketotic cows had a greater percent fat in the liver than healthy cows. The mildly ketotic group fell between the other two groups and was significantly different from only the severely ketotic group. There was a positive correlation between fatty infiltration and blood ketone body concentrations but a negative correlation with glucose concentrations. Liver-specific enzymes were positively correlated with fatty infiltration.