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Prof. Koray Acarli, Degirmen Sokak 165/2 Kurtulus-Istanbul, TURKEY and Telephone (Fax):+90-212-6353082. plump your pucker  DIFFUSE FATTY INFILTRATION OF THE LIVER Contributed by: Rolando Reyna, Radiologist, Private practice, Panama. History: No history, just a simple check up. Just obesity. Images:[small]larger Fig. 1: diffuse echogenecity of the liver Findings: Diffuse fatty infiltration of the liver. Fatty infiltration causing diffusely echogenic parenchyma Diagnosis: Fatty Liver Discussion: Diffuse fatty infiltration plump your pucker is the commonest cause of an echogenic liver .The plump your pucker common causes of fatty infiltration are: NUTRITIONAL     Obesity    Intestinal bypass   Parenteral nutrition METABOLIC   Diabetes mellitus   Glycogen storage disease   Hyperlipidaemias DRUG RELATED   Alcohol   Corticosteroids   Cytotoxic agents IDIOPATHIC References:
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