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Seattle Times: January 17, 2002 daiquiri equipment Mardi Gras revelers offered other venues Geibel is picking up the slack, advertising Carnival 2002 in daiquiri equipment The Stranger and Seattle Gay News and on his Web site, . The 13 participating bars and clubs are on the Eastside and in Seattle's University District, daiquiri equipment Queen Anne, Belltown and Capitol Hill.Seattle Times: February 4, 2002 Slim festivities for Fat Tuesday in Pioneer Square The promotion group is trying to move the focus out of Pioneer Square, throwing the annual Carnival Ball on Fat Tuesday in the 67 Lounge of the Edgewater Hotel. Seattle Times: February 8, 2002 More than 70 arrested during Mardi Gras Meanwhile, a conglomeration of venues in other neighborhood reported success with Carnival 2002 , an effort to spread the Mardi Gras crowd beyond Pioneer Square..."We
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