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by nametaken (Score:1) Friday April 16, @05:26PM Re:Ah.... by Bake (Score:2) Friday April 16, @06:51PM charity case Bundled Savings? (Score:2, Insightful) by MakoStorm (699968) on Friday April 16, @01:03PM (#8883695) It would be a deal if it came with like discounts on cab rides or local bar coupons or booze shop discounts. Urine-proof PDA (Score:1) by AtariAmarok (451306) on Friday April 16, @01:03PM (#8883699) Sure charity case to increase sales of urine- and charity case beer- resistant PDA's. Re:Urine-proof PDA by WormholeFiend (Score:2) Friday April 16, @01:11PM 1 reply beneath your current threshold. Park Bench??? (Score:5, Funny) by Lord_Slepnir (585350) on Friday April 16, @01:03PM (#8883702) (Last Journal: Thursday June 05, @09:57AM) When you wake up on a Park Bench? What kind of lame school did you go to? It's not even a night out unless you're either in de-tox, a cell, or in bed with something really scary looking. Re:Park Bench???