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(The part about the jobs is particularly true for women, which may be why the worship of thin-ness is dominic knight more pronounced in females, although it increasingly occurs in both sexes.) And since wealth is always a sign of reproductive fitness, it's always sexy. [ dominic knight Parent ] Re:non-ugly fat chicks by pipingguy (Score:3) Friday April 16, @09:53PM With apologies to cjellibebi... by adamofgreyskull (Score:2) Saturday April 17, @09:19AM I am Jack's hilariously off-topic point of view by adamofgreyskull (Score:2) Saturday April 17, @09:27AM Re:non-ugly fat chicks by Anonymous Coward (Score:1) Friday April 16, @03:44PM Re:non-ugly fat chicks by Alex (Score:2) Saturday April 17, @01:43AM Re:non-ugly fat chicks by moxruby (Score:1) Saturday April 17, @07:49AM Re:With apologies to cjellibebi... by Doctor O (Score:1) Tuesday April 20, @05:39PM 1 reply beneath your current threshold.1