August 9, 2005 Reviewer:Bindy fat booty cinema

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August 9, 2005 Reviewer:Bindy Sue Fr?nk?nschtein "bigfootsalienbaby" (under the rubble) - See all my reviews    Well, this one tries real hard to be a cult classic. Too hard. It's 1950-something, and an alien cinema craft has landed behind a movie theatre. The theatre is nearly empty, save for three hoods, two geeks, a titanically endowed blonde and her boyfriend, a fat chick (Charity Case) and her pencil-neck date, a drunk, a hillbilly couple, and cinema a girl who keeps pulling extremely long boogers out of her nose. Sound exciting? Anyway, the "crowd" cinema is there to see "Space Patrol", a silly movie about time travel starring Bob Clarke and Ann Robinson. We are taken back and forth between the movie and the audience watching it. This is dull to the point of agony! I kept hoping the alien monster would slaughter everyone involved! Alas, it only kills the ticket-lady, a homeless guy, and the theatre manager!
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