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or rapping in school. They want to be successful, and they also actresses want to do something, well, different. But, unfortunetely and evidently, originality is something that is thrown to the wayside once commercial success arrives, for the most part. For example, actresses look at Eminem. I'm a fan of Eminem, but I, recently, actresses just heard some of his EARLY stuff (read: "Infinite") and it's about ten times better then most of the stuff that he has out now. There's a lot more wordplay, multi-sylable rhyming, and everything. Sure, the audio quality isn't as good, but that's expected in an underground tape. Now, look at Eminem now. Encore actually seems a lot like Eminem Show. Has he lost it? Or has he just gotten lazy, for whatever reason? Take your pick. I, myself, am what you may call a "wanna-be rapper". Wanna-be, because I wanna be a rapper.
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