Fat Joe released Represent. fat girl rock bands

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Fat Joe released Represent. Fat Joe topped the Billboard Hot Rap rock bands Singles chart for rock bands a week with "Flow Joe." Fat Joe released Jealous One's Envy. Fat Joe released Don Cartagena. Don Cartagena was certified gold. Fat Joe released Jealous Ones Still Envy (Jose). # 58 Singles Artist of the Year Fat Joe hit the Top 40 with help from R. Kelly with "We Thuggin'." rock bands Jealous Ones Still Envy (Jose) was certified gold. Fat Joe hit the Top 40 with Ashanti with "What's Luv?" Fat Joe hit the Top 10 with "What's Luv?" Fat Joe topped the Billboard Top 40 Tracks chart for 2 weeks with "What's Luv?" Jealous Ones Still Envy (Jose) was certified platinum.
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