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Issues covered include: partner recognition; parent-child recognition; youth and elder issues; mother teaches daughter sex health care and end-of-life issues; the impact of welfare reform; the faith-based initiative; and the legal status of GLBT families in all 50 states.      2000 Census and Same-Sex Households: A User's Guide (October 1, 2002) By Judith Bradford, Kirsten Barrett and Julie A. Honnold The 2000 mother teaches daughter sex Census and Same-Sex Households: A User's Guide. By Judith Bradford, Kirsten Barrett and Julie A. Honnold. In mother teaches daughter sex 2000 the U.S. Census allowed same-sex couples living together to identify themselves as "unmarried partners." This national data set offers a rich trove of information on members of our community, easily accessible on-line. Maps show concentrations of same-sex households in all 50 states and a dozen major cities.      Say It Loud: I'm Black and I'm Proud (March 25, 2002) By Juan Battle, Cathy J.
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