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Wcela, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, will officiate at a ceremony honoring over 160 couples celebrating 50 years or more of married life on Sunday, May 4 at St. Joseph Church in Garden City. The ceremony sponsored by the diocesan south america Office of Laity and Family south america honors couples who are celebrating their golden wedding anniversaries, as well as those who have been married for over 50 years but have not participated before in this event. Each couple will renew their wedding vows during south america the celebration of Mass and will also be presented with a certificate marking the occasion. St. Joseph Church is located at 130 Fifth Street in Garden City. * * * * * Click here to go back    Last Updated     © Diocese of Rockville Centre     Please Choose a Search Search Main Site Search Chat Forum Find Finance Provider Websites --- Quick Jump --- Credit Cards Shopping Utilities & Phones Savings & Investments Banking & Loans Insurance Travel & Holidays Mortgages & Related Products Miscellaneous Money Tip Tart Alert Budgeting FlightChecker CallChecker Articles Guides Money Tips Chat Forums Provider
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