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Gebhard and A. Johnson, The Kinsey Data over 50 single (1979). In their 1977 Redbook Report on Female Sexuality, C. Tavris and S. Sadd found that over 50 single 93% of wives responding reported having engaged in cunnilingus and 91% had engaged in fellatio. They concluded from this response that, "Today it is clear that if the sexual revolution has occurred anywhere, it is in the practice and acceptance of oral sex. Among people under age twenty-five, it is virtually a universal part over 50 single of the sexual relationship." [That is from 1977, so it could be updated to say that for people under 50, it is universal. Bob] P. Blumsteln and P. Schwartz have reported similar statistics93% of heterosexual couples had engaged in cunnilingus and 90% had engaged in fellatio. See also W. Masters, V. Johnson, and R. Kolodny, Human Sexualily 393 (1985).