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The former suspicion may lead to moms having sex with sons the odd bar-fight; the latter to snubs and wedding guests who glower at the two of you from the bar as they sock moms having sex with sons back double shots of Glenfiddich whisky at trouncing expense. 4. Portability. Can you take it with you? If you get serious, one of the main discussions you will have to have moms having sex with sons is about where to live. I've been told Slovaks adapt less easily to life in a foreign country than foreigners do to living here. Whatever the case, the foreigner in the couple has to bear in mind how tough it was for him or her to get established in Slovakia, and make sure the other person understands what awaits in any big move. The foreigner also has to take into account the strength of family ties here, and to guage what impact it will have on the relationship if the Slovak is stripped of friends, relations, culture and language. If you're both still convinced and want to get married, above is a chart suggesting what may await - three months of red tape and about 10,000 Slovak crowns in fees.