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. .   Meet Ellyn and Peter For more than 20 years, Drs. Ellyn Bader and Peter Pearson have been helping couples resolve issues and create strong, loving relationships. They can help you and your partner overcome your difficulties and evolve both as lovers and friends. Known worldwide through their pioneering work in couples therapy, they are the founders of The Couples Institute in Menlo Park, California. They are frequently invited to speak at major conferences and marcperkel to conduct training in the psychological treatment marcperkel of couples throughout the world. Their book on couples therapy for professionals marcperkel is used in graduate schools across the country. In addition to their professional collaboration, they are married to each other, bringing even greater insight into the work they do. They will educate, enlighten and entertain you with the challenges they have faced as a couple, and how they overcame them to build a strong marriage.
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