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The terms NAFLD and NASH are often used interchangeably. However, NASH properly refers to that subset of patients with NAFLD who have evidence of inflammation on liver biopsy. The spectrum of NAFLD is similar to that of alcoholic liver disease. At one extreme is fatty liver treatment for fatty liver occurring without inflammation; at the other is cirrhosis. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is treatment for fatty liver an intermediate disease state between these treatment for fatty liver two extremes.2. What is the difference between macrovesicular and microvesicular fat deposition in the liver? Macrovesicular fat is deposited in large vacuoles in hepatocytes; such accumulation pushes the nucleus toward the wall of the cell. In contrast, microvesicular fat is deposited throughout the cytoplasm; in this instance, the nucleus retains its central location. Macrovesicular fat deposition typically occurs in NAFLD and alcoholic liver disease, whereas microvesicular fat deposition occurs in Reye syndrome and acute fatty liver of pregnancy and as a possible adverse effect of certain medications, such as valproic acid.