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Etiology.Aside from the physiological fatty liver, due to milk diet in infants, and the polycystic ovary disease ingestion of a large quantity of carbohydrates, fatty liver is due to excessive use of alcohol and beer. Insufficient exercise, especially in hearty eaters, favors the accumulation of fat, owing to imperfect oxidation of the fatty particles ingested. Also imperfect oxidation due to tuberculosis of the polycystic ovary disease lungs, pernicious anemia, and chlorosis. It may be due to certain poisons, among which polycystic ovary disease may be mentioned phosphorus, arsenic, copper, antimony, mercury, the aluminum salts, iodoform, carbolic acid, the mineral acids, and ptomains from fish, oysters, etc. It may occur as the result of the infectious diseases, especially such as are followed or attended by long-continued pus formation, as puerperal fever, erysipelas, etc.;