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s). The presence or absence of fatty infiltration of the liver was diagnosed by noncontrast CT. RESULTS: The L-S attenuation hiatus hernia differences varied significantly, depending on hiatus hernia both injection rate and timing of measurements. For the fast-injection group, the optimal L-S threshold for diagnosing fatty infiltration ranged from -43 to -33 Hounsfield units (HU) for early (79 s) and late measurements (106 s), respectively. For the slow-injection group, the optimal threshold ranged from -31 to -25 HU (80 and 112 s, respectively). In addition, sensitivity was not very high (range = 0.54-0.71) for either injection protocol at any measurement hiatus hernia time because of significant overlap of L-S values between normal and fatty infiltration patients. Moderate and severe fatty infiltration were more reliably diagnosed than mild fatty infiltration by this method.